AT61 Simulator IEC 61850

AT61 Simulator for IEC 61850

AT61 is a communications test simulator under the IEC 61850 standard. AT61 is a set of tools for the simulation and tests of communications under the IEC 61850 standard. It supports connections under MMS and GOOSE protocols, in Client and Server modes. It facilitates the commissioning of substations allowing an intuitive diagnosis of the communication status and data models configured under the standard.

It supports multiple simultaneous connections with IEDs in editions 1 and 2. In addition, it has the SCL file validation function based on the schemes of those editions. It allows easy exploration of the data model by discovery or from SCD / SSD / SED / ICD / IID SCL file uploads. It enables reports, command sending and management of dynamic reports, as well as auto-simulation of values. It has options for plotting and exporting data from the tests carried out and includes an interactive bay simulation tool that will allow you to graphically view and manipulate the operation of a bay integrated by IEC 61850

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Key Features


  1. MMS
  2. GOOSE
  3. Sampled Values


AT61 Client

Tool for simulating MMS clients. From this tool, the client can receive information through readings, enabling reports and with the possibility of sending commands to the server to which it is connected. The client can be discovered or loaded from an SCD or CID file.

AT61 Server

Tool for the simulation of MMS servers; allows the user to load an SCD or CID file, creating a clone at the MMS communication level of the real equipment. The user can also simulate status, status quality, timestamp, and timestamp quality. The simulation can be manual or automatic.

GOOSE Publisher

Tool for creating and sending fully configurable GOOSE messages. Additionally, it simulates the published values automatically.

GOOSE Receiver

Tool to visualize, subscribe and verify the GOOSE published in the network.


Specialized text editor for SCL files, a quick option to analyze, edit, merge and split CID and SCD files.


Specialized tool for configuring and sending Sampled Values according to the IEC 61850-9-2LE standard.


Specialized tool for capturing Sampled Values according to the IEC 61850-9-2LE standard. It allows the user to quickly graph and verify the received values.


Complementary application to Simulator Bay that exchanges GOOSE messages, as a training, allowing the user to understand how this protocol works.


Simulated relay with graphical interface to carry out practices and learning exercises without having an external team or CID. From the virtual relay the user has the option to simulate position signals, indications, and measurements manually or automatically.


You have doubts? Solve them here.

AT61 client and server can be licensed independently. The bay simulator is tied to an AT61 Server license.

By default, the bay simulator tries to open port 102. If it is being used by another application, they will be in conflict. To fix the problem, in the Settings section, the port and interface need to be defined for the communication of the simulator.

When creating a project, the last option displayed is Auto Simulation. In this section the simulation of the signals can be programmed taking into account a set or a random period of time and a range for the variation in case of being a numerical parameter.

It is also possible to configure the simulation from the data model.

Yes, multiple communications can be established simultaneously and simulate IEDs that are considered necessary.

When the desired report control block is selected and right clicked, the message Enable / Disable Report is displayed. Clicking on this option displays a window called Report Control Block – Enable Report where report parameters are configured. When it is under the desired conditions, click on the Enable / Disable button.

If the process was successful, on the right side of the report name, an icon will be displayed indicating that it is being used (Triangle pointing to the right)

If there is a padlock on the right side of the report name, it indicates that another connection is using that report.

Dragging a signal to the Polling panel starts a query every second. This polling time is configurable on the toolbar and the information obtained is displayed in the Data Monitor panel.

It is possible to delete the entire list that was being consulted or select a signal from the list and click on the red X in the Polling panel.

On the data model select the command to execute. on the Data Objects panel select the data object to be sent. On the toolbar there is an image of an envelope that represents the sending of data. When you click on it, the AXONBAYControl / “command to be executed” window is displayed where you can see the configuration parameters and the command execution buttons.

Más Recursos

Axon Group

Modelado de datos en IEC 61850 con AT61

Webinar – Introducción a los sistemas de Recolección Automática de Protecciones (RAP)

Reportes IEC 61850

Simulator IEC 61850
Backup Manager
It is a system for monitoring channels
Protocol simulator

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System Requirements


Operating systems: Windows 8, Windows 10


  • Intel – AMD processor
  • 2 GB RAM 
  • Hard Drive 400 MB Free

Framework .NET 4.5.2 SP2