
Axon Group Products

In the following links you can download trial version of our products

Software for monitoring, control and data acquisition (SCADA/HMI) specialized for power automation

Gateway or substation concentrator for control protocols also it eases of integration and automation of electrical substations

Automatic protection collection system. It allows to abstract to configuration, register and events files in COMTRADE format from devices such as relay protection, fault recorders or concentrators of data

Analysis and testing of  telecontrol protocols simulator. It allows automation testing with several IEDs. SCADA or control center softwares. It supports DNP3, IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 60870-5-104, OPC and Modbus.

Tool suite for simulate IEC 61850 Client/Server, GOOSE, Sampled Values and MMS

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